OpenSSD Cosmos+ Platform Firmware  0.0.2
The firmware of Cosmos+ OpenSSD Platform for TOSHIBA nand flash module.
Introduce to Cosmos+ OpenSSD Platform Firmware



  • CPL: Complete or Completion


  • Fb: Free Block
  • Llr: Low-level Scheduler
  • LSA: Logical Slice Address
  • VSA: Virtual Slice Address
  • Q: queue

NAND Flash

  • bbt: Bad Block Table
  • ROW: Flash Page
  • LUN: Flash Plane
  • NSC: NAND Storage Controller
  • Mbs: Main Block Space
  • Tbs: Total Block Space
  • ??V2F: ==Virtual/Vector== to Flash
  • ??V2FMCRegisters: ==Virtual/Vector== to Flash Memory Controller Registers

DRAM Structure

+-------------------------------------------------+ << 0
~ ~
~ ~
+-------------------------------------------------+ <<
+-------------------------------------------------+ <<
+-------------------------------------------------+ <<
+-------------------------------------------------+ <<
~ ~
~ ~
+-------------------------------------------------+ << COMPLETE_FLAG_TABLE_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << STATUS_REPORT_TABLE_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << ERROR_INFO_TABLE_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << TEMPORARY_PAY_LOAD_ADDR
| |
~ ~
~ ~
| |
+-------------------------------------------------+ << DATA_BUFFER_MAP_ADDR
| |
| |
+-------------------------------------------------+ << DATA_BUFFFER_HASH_TABLE_ADDR
| |
| |
+-------------------------------------------------+ << TEMPORARY_DATA_BUFFER_MAP_ADDR
| |
| |
+-------------------------------------------------+ << LOGICAL_SLICE_MAP_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << VIRTUAL_SLICE_MAP_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << VIRTUAL_BLOCK_MAP_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << PHY_BLOCK_MAP_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << BAD_BLOCK_TABLE_INFO_MAP_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << VIRTUAL_DIE_MAP_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << GC_VICTIM_MAP_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << REQ_POOL_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << ROW_ADDR_DEPENDENCY_TABLE_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << DIE_STATE_TABLE_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << RETRY_LIMIT_TABLE_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << WAY_PRIORITY_TABLE_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << FTL_MANAGEMENT_END_ADDR
+-------------------------------------------------+ << RESERVED1_START_ADDR
| |
~ ~
~ ~
| |
+-------------------------------------------------+ << 1 GB

Data Structures

Mapping Table

  • Physical Block Map:
  • Virtual Block Map:
  • Bad Block Table Info Map:
  • Logical Slice Map:
  • Virtual Slice Map:

    VSA Structure

Data Buffer

  • DATA_BUF_MAP / dataBuf: An 1D data buffer array with AVAILABLE_DATA_BUFFER_ENTRY_COUNT entries.

    There are N(default 16) x USER_DIES entries in this array. Each of the entry is represented by the data structure DATA_BUF_ENTRY which is consist of several members:

    • logicalSliceAddr: 32 bits unsigned integer, the logical address of the slice command
    • dirty: 1 bit flag, whether this entry is dirty or not. 0 (DATA_BUF_CLEAN) for clean, 1 for dirty.
    • prevEntry: 16 bits unsigned integer, the prev data buffer entry index in the LRU list.
    • nextEntry: 16 bits unsigned integer, the next data buffer entry index in the LRU list.

      The LRU list only maintain the index of the head and tail data buffer entry, thus we have to use the above two members to manage the connection between the entries in the list.

      At the begining, the prevEntry and nextEntry just simply initialized to the index of prev/next element in this array. But as the time goes by, some entries may be chosen to store some data, //TODO

    • hashPrevEntry: 16 bits unsigned integer, the prev data buffer entry index in the current dataBufHash bucket
    • hashNextEntry: 16 bits unsigned integer, the next data buffer entry index in the current dataBufHash bucket

      Similar to LRU list, the buckets of hash table only records the index of head and tail data buffer entry.

    • blockingReqTail: 16 bits unsigned integer, the data buffer entry index of the last blocking request

      Similar to LRU and hash table bucket but the request queue is more complicated, detailed in later section.


  • DATA_BUF_LRU_LIST / dataBufLruList: A structure that manages the MRU and LRU data buffer entry.

    This structure used for choosing the victim data buffer entry.

    There are only two members in this structure:

    • headEntry: 16 bits unsigned integer, the index of MRU data buffer entry. (first data buffer entry by default).
    • tailEntry: 16 bits unsigned integer, the index of LRU data buffer entry. (last data buffer entry by default).

    Note that because this structure only records the index of MRU/LRU data buffer entry, the relation between data buffer entries is managed by the prevEntry and nextEntry of dataBuf described above.

    When a LRU entry is chosen to be the victim entry, the previous entry indicated by prevEntry and the next entry indicated by the nextEntry should be modified as well, concretely:

    • evicted.prev: should be DATA_BUF_NONE, because this node is the new head of LRU list
    • should be the index of original head of LRU list
    • if evicted.prev exists, its next should be DATA_BUF_NONE, because it's now the new LRU entry
    • should be the index of evicted entry

    The function for choosing the victim entry is AllocateDataBuf() defined in data_buffer.c.

  • DATA_BUF_HASH_TABLE / dataBufHash:

    The structure DATA_BUF_HASH_ENTRY is consist of the following two members:

    • headEntry: 16 bits unsigned integer that indicates the first data buffer entry in this bucket
    • tailEntry: 16 bits unsigned integer that indicates the last data buffer entry in this bucket

    Because this structure only record the head and tail index, we should keep the relation between the data buffer entries in corresponding data buffer bucket by maintain the hashPrevEntry and hashNextEntry of those data buffer entries.

    // TODO: how to determine the bucket to put

    just simply the logicalSliceAddr % the number of hash buckets:

    #define FindDataBufHashTableEntry(logicalSliceAddr) ((logicalSliceAddr) % AVAILABLE_DATA_BUFFER_ENTRY_COUNT)

    Therefore, if we want to find the data buffer of a given request, we can just traverse the correspoding bucket, instead of traverse the whole data buffer or LRU list. (check the implementation of the function CheckDataBufHit defined in data_buffer.c)


    There are USER_DIES entries in this array, namely one temp buffer entry per die, therefore just simply use the dieNo to choose the entry of temp data buffer, in current implementation.

    Each temp buffer entry is a TEMPORARY_DATA_BUF_ENTRY, and this structure have only one member:

    • blockingReqTail:

    TODO: when to use this temp buffer?



  • REQ_POOL / reqPool: The request pool, a fixed-sized 1D array of requests.

    There are AVAILABLE_OUNTSTANDING_REQ_COUNT (128 * USER_DIES by default. typo, to be fixed) entries in this array. Every entry in the request pool is a SSD_REQ_FORMAT, and the structure SSD_REQ_FORMAT is consist of:

    • logicalSliceAddr: the logical address of this slice command
    • reqType: 4 bits flag, the type of this request, should be one of the macros REQ_TYPE_* defined in request_format.h
    • reqQueueType: 4 bits flag, the type of queue where this request current stored
    • reqCode: 8 bits flag, the operation code of this request
    • nvmeCmdSlotTag: 16 bits flag,
    • reqOpt:
    • dataBufInfo:
    • nvmeDmaInfo:
    • nandInfo:
    • prevReq: 16 bits unsigned integer, the request pool entry index of the prev request in the same queue
    • nextReq: 16 bits unsigned integer, the request pool entry index of the next request in the same queue

      Similar to the two members prevEntry and nextEntry of the data buffer entry, this two members are used to managing the connection between the entries in the same request queues.

    • prevBlockingReq : 16 bits unsigned integer, the request pool entry index of the prev blocking request
    • nextBlockingReq : 16 bits unsigned integer, the request pool entry index of the next blocking request

      Similar to the member blockingReqTail of data buffer entry, detailed in later section.


    Within this firmware project, the variable reqSlotTag is widely used to represent a request pool index, check the InitReqPool function implemented in the request_allocation.c for example.


    There are 7 macros REQ_QUEUE_TYPE_* and corresponding 6 queue structures *_REQUEST_QUEUE (no queue for REQ_QUEUE_TYPE_NONE). Each request in the request pool belongs one of the 6 queues.

    These 6 queues has exactly same structure and the structure has only 3 members:

    • headReq: 16 bits unsigned integer, the request pool index of the head request in this queue
    • tailReq: 16 bits unsigned integer, the request pool index of the tail request in this queue
    • reqCnt: 16 bits unsigned integer, the number of requests in this requests queue

    But with different meaning and usage:






      The data structure of the blockedByBufDepReqQ request queue only records the request pool entry index of the first (head) and last (tail) request in the queue, so we need to use prevBlockingReq and nextBlockingReq of the request pool entry and the blockingReqTail of data buffer entry to maintain the blocking queue.

      The member blockingReqTail of each data buffer entry used to check the tail blocking request in the queue, by calling UpdateDataBufEntryInfoBlockingReq() or UpdateTempDataBufEntryInfoBlockingReq.





      The nandReqQ is a 2D array with USER_CHANNELS rows and USER_WAYS cols. Each element of it is a NAND_REQUEST_QUEUE that records the following

    FIXME: simplify these queue structures

  • sliceReqQ
  • NandXXXXList:
    • Erase:
    • Idle:
    • StatusReport:
    • Write:
    • ReadTrigger:
    • ReadTransfer:

Flash Memory

  • DIE_STATE_TABLE / dieState:

    A fixed-sized 2D array, each element in this array represents a physical die and contains some infomation of that die.

    Each entry (die) in this table is a instance of DIE_STATE_ENTRY which is comprised of the following members:

    • dieState: 8 bits unsigned integer,
    • reqStatusCheckOpt: 4 bits unsigned integer,
    • prevWay: 4 bits unsigned integer, the die state entry index of the prev die in the same priority list of its channel
    • nextWay: 4 bits unsigned integer, the die state entry index of the next die in the same priority list of its channel
  • WAY_PRIORITY_TABLE / wayPriority:

    A fixed-sized 1D array, each entry in this array represent a status table of each channel. And the status table is managed in the form of the structure WAY_PRIORITY_ENTRY.

    Each instance of WAY_PRIORITY_ENTRY, namely each channel, manages 7 lists. And each list only records the die state entry index of head and tail way. Therefore, similar to the request queues, the connection between the ways in the same list should be maintained by using the prevWay and nextWay of DIE_STATE_ENTRY.

    • idleHead / idleTail:

      At the beginning, all the ways on the channel are in this list.

    • writeHead / writeTail:
    • eraseHead / eraseTail:
    • readTriggerHead / readTriggerTail:
    • readTransferHead / readTransferTail:
    • statusCheckHead / statusCheckTail:
    • statusReportHead / statusReportTail:


  • FbList



  • XPAR_TIGER4NSC_[0-7]_BASEADDR defined in ftl_config.h
  • #define V2FCommand_NOP 0
  • #define V2FCommand_Reset 1
  • #define V2FCommand_SetFeatures 6
  • #define V2FCommand_GetFeatures 46
  • #define V2FCommand_ReadPageTrigger 13 ///< Read data from nand to die register
  • #define V2FCommand_ReadPageTransfer 18 ///< Read data from die register to buffer
  • #define V2FCommand_ProgramPage 28 ///< Recv data from buffer and program to page
  • #define V2FCommand_BlockErase 37 ///< Erase a flash block
  • #define V2FCommand_StatusCheck 41 ///< Check the exec result of previous command
  • #define V2FCommand_ReadPageTransferRaw 55